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在 iOS16 中用 SwiftUI 图表定制一个线图

2022-11-18 10:05:38来源:Swift社区

在 iOS 16 中引入的 SwiftUI 图表,可以以直观的视觉格式呈现数据,并且可以使用 SwiftUI 图表快速创建。本文演示了几种定制折线图并与区域图结合来展示数据的方法。



从在 iOS 16 中用 SwiftUI Charts 创建一个折线图中使用 SwiftUICharts[1]创建默认折线图开始。这显示了两个不同星期的步数数据,比较了每个工作日的步数。

struct ChartView1: View {    var body: some View {        VStack {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Daily Step Count") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                .frame(height:400)            }            .padding()                        Spacer()        }    }}

使用 SwiftUI 图表创建的默认折线图。



struct YellowGroupBoxStyle: GroupBoxStyle {    func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {        configuration.content            .padding(.top, 30)            .padding(20)            .background(Color(hue: 0.10, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.98))            .cornerRadius(20)            .overlay(                configuration.label.padding(10),                alignment: .topLeading            )    }}
struct ChartView2: View {    var body: some View {        VStack {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Daily Step Count") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                .frame(height:400)            }            // Add a style to the GroupBox            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())            .padding()                        Spacer()        }    }}

为 GroupBox 背景设置样式。



GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Plot Background") {    Chart {        ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in            ForEach(steps.data) {                LineMark(                    x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                    y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                )                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")            }        }    }    .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in        plotArea            .background(.orange.opacity(0.1))            .border(.orange, width: 2)    }    .frame(height:200)}.groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())
GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Chart Background") {    Chart {        ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in            ForEach(steps.data) {                LineMark(                    x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                    y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                )                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")            }        }    }    .chartBackground { chartProxy in        Color.red.opacity(0.1)    }    .frame(height:200)}.groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())            
GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Plot & Chart Backgroundt") {    Chart {        ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in            ForEach(steps.data) {                LineMark(                    x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                    y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                )                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")            }        }    }    .chartBackground { chartProxy in        Color.red.opacity(0.1)    }    .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in        plotArea            .background(.orange.opacity(0.1))            .border(.orange, width: 2)    }        .frame(height:200)}.groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())

使用 SwiftUI Charts 在绘图区域和全图表上设置背景。

将 Y 轴移至左侧

将 Y 轴移至左侧边缘(leading)。

可以隐藏坐标轴或调整坐标轴的位置,比如将 Y 轴放在图表的左侧(leading)。y 轴默认显示在图表的右方(trailing)。可以使用chartYAxis的AxisMarks[5]将其放置在左侧。也可以通过设置可见性属性为隐藏来完全隐藏轴。

struct ChartView4: View {    var body: some View {        VStack {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Y-axis on leading edge") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                // Place the y-axis on the leading side of the chart                .chartYAxis {                   AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:400)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())            .padding()                        Spacer()        }    }}

使用 SwiftUI 图表将 Y 轴置于图表的左侧。



GroupBox ( "Line Chart - legend overlay on top center") {    Chart {        ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in            ForEach(steps.data) {                LineMark(                    x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                    y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                )                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")            }        }    }    // Position the Legend    .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)    .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in        plotArea            .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))    }    .chartYAxis() {        AxisMarks(position: .leading)    }    .frame(height:200)}.groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())
GroupBox ( "Line Chart - legend trailing center") {    Chart {        ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in            ForEach(steps.data) {                LineMark(                    x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                    y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                )                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")            }        }    }    // Position the Legend    .chartLegend(position: .trailing, alignment: .center, spacing: 10)    .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in        plotArea            .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))    }    .chartYAxis() {        AxisMarks(position: .leading)    }    .frame(height:200)}.groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())


struct ChartView6: View {    var body: some View {        VStack(spacing:30) {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Curved line connector") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            // Use curved line to join points                            .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                .chartYAxis() {                    AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:300)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())                        GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Step line connector") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            // Use step line to join points                            .interpolationMethod(.stepCenter)                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                .chartYAxis() {                    AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:300)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())                        Spacer()        }        .padding()    }}

在 SwiftUI 图表中更改将数据点连接线型。



struct ChartView7: View {    var body: some View {        VStack() {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Custom line colors") {                Chart {                    ForEach(stepData, id: \.period) { steps in                        ForEach(steps.data) {                            LineMark(                                x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                                y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                            )                            .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                            .symbol(by: .value("Week", steps.period))                            .symbolSize(30)                            .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                            .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        }                    }                }                // Set color for each data in the chart                .chartForegroundStyleScale([                    "Current Week" : Color(hue: 0.33, saturation: 0.81, brightness: 0.76),                    "Previous Week": Color(hue: 0.69, saturation: 0.19, brightness: 0.79)                ])                .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                .chartYAxis() {                    AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:400)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())                       Spacer()        }        .padding()    }}

为 SwiftUI 图表中的线条设置自定义颜色。



struct ChartView8: View {        let prevColor = Color(hue: 0.69, saturation: 0.19, brightness: 0.79)    let curColor = Color(hue: 0.33, saturation: 0.81, brightness: 0.76)       var body: some View {        VStack() {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Line color and format") {                Chart {                    ForEach(previousWeek) {                        LineMark(                            x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                            y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                        )                        .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                        .foregroundStyle(prevColor)                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", "Previous Week"))                        .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 3, dash: [5, 10]))                        .symbol() {                            Rectangle()                                .fill(prevColor)                                .frame(width: 8, height: 8)                        }                        .symbolSize(30)                        .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                        .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                    }                                       ForEach(currentWeek) {                        LineMark(                            x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                            y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                        )                        .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                        .foregroundStyle(curColor)                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", "Current Week"))                        .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 3))                        .symbol() {                            Circle()                                .fill(curColor)                                .frame(width: 10)                        }                        .symbolSize(30)                        .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                        .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                    }                }                // Set the Y axis scale                .chartYScale(domain: 0...30000)                .chartForegroundStyleScale([                    "Current Week" : curColor,                    "Previous Week": prevColor                ])                .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                .chartYAxis() {                    AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:400)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())            Spacer()        }        .padding()    }}

为 SwiftUI 图表中的一个数据集设置自定义线型。



struct ChartView9: View {            var body: some View {           let prevColor = Color(hue: 0.69, saturation: 0.19, brightness: 0.79)        let curColor = Color(hue: 0.33, saturation: 0.81, brightness: 0.76)        let curGradient = LinearGradient(            gradient: Gradient (                colors: [                    curColor.opacity(0.5),                    curColor.opacity(0.2),                    curColor.opacity(0.05),                ]            ),            startPoint: .top,            endPoint: .bottom        )        VStack() {            GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Combine LIne and Area chart") {                Chart {                    ForEach(previousWeek) {                        LineMark(                            x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                            y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                        )                        .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                        .foregroundStyle(prevColor)                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", "Previous Week"))                        .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 3, dash: [5, 10]))                        .symbol() {                            Rectangle()                                .fill(prevColor)                                .frame(width: 8, height: 8)                        }                        .symbolSize(30)                        .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                        .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                    }                                        ForEach(currentWeek) {                        LineMark(                            x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                            y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                        )                        .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                        .foregroundStyle(curColor)                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", "Current Week"))                        .lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 3))                        .symbol() {                            Circle()                                .fill(curColor)                                .frame(width: 10)                        }                        .symbolSize(30)                        .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                        .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                        AreaMark(                            x: .value("Week Day", $0.shortDay),                            y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)                        )                        .interpolationMethod(.catmullRom)                        .foregroundStyle(curGradient)                        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Week", "Current Week"))                        .accessibilityLabel("\($0.weekdayString)")                        .accessibilityValue("\($0.steps) Steps")                                            }                }                // Set the Y axis scale                .chartYScale(domain: 0...30000)                                .chartForegroundStyleScale([                    "Current Week" : curColor,                    "Previous Week": prevColor                ])                .chartLegend(position: .overlay, alignment: .top)                .chartPlotStyle { plotArea in                    plotArea                        .background(Color(hue: 0.12, saturation: 0.10, brightness: 0.92))                }                .chartYAxis() {                    AxisMarks(position: .leading)                }                .frame(height:400)            }            .groupBoxStyle(YellowGroupBoxStyle())            Spacer()        }        .padding()    }}



SwiftUI Charts目前处于测试阶段,在Xcode性能和编译一些图表选项方面可能会有一些问题,但它很容易就能开始使用图表。帮助文档是可用的,而且很好,但我希望看到更多的代码示例。它是有很大的潜力来定制图表然后以直观的方式向应用程序的用户展示数据。










关键词: 可以使用 结合起来 自定义颜色 插值方法


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