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天天看点:如何从 Linux 终端发送桌面通知与提醒

2022-07-14 17:55:38来源:Linux中国




Example notification

下面的代码是在 Linux 上编写和测试的。它也可以在 macOS 上运行,只需花点功夫。请参见最后一节提示与技巧。

从 Linux 终端发送通知

要从 Linux 终端发送通知,请使用notify-send​命令。运行whichnotify-send命令来查看它是否在于你的系统中。如果没有,请使用包管理器来安装它。

在 Fedora 上,输入:

$ sudo dnf install notify-send

在基于 Debian 的发行版上,输入:

$ sudo apt install notify-send


$ notify-send "Dinner ready!"    $ notify-send "Tip of the Day" "How about a nap?"

你可以用紧急程度、自定义图标等选项来自定义通知。过man notify-send了解更多。你也可以在通知正文中使用一小组 HTML 标记,以使消息有一个棒的视觉感受。最重要的是,URL 被呈现为可点击的。例如:

$ notify-send -u critical \      "Build failed!" \      "There were 123 errors. Click here to see the results: http://buildserver/latest"

Build fail notification


将 notify-send 与 at 结合使用


$ at 12:00


$ echo "npm run build" | at now + 1 minute    $ echo "backup-db" | at 13:00

有许多指定时间的方法。 从绝对时间,如10:00​,到相对时间,如now + 2 hours​,再特殊时间,如noon​或midnight​。我们可以把它和notify-send结合起来,在未来的某个时间向自己发送提醒。例如:

$ echo "notify-send "Stop it and go home now?" "Enough work for today." -u critical" | at now

Stop for the day notification


现在,建立一个自定义的 Bash 命令来给自己发送提醒信息。像这样简单且人性化的命令:

$ remind "I"m still here" now    $ remind "Time to wake up!" in 5 minutes    $ remind "Dinner" in 1 hour    $ remind "Take a break" at noon    $ remind "It"s Friday pints time!" at 17:00

这比 Alexa 更好!该怎样做?



$ source ~/bin/remind


#!/usr/bin/env bash    function remind () {      local COUNT="$#"      local COMMAND="$1"      local MESSAGE="$1"      local OP="$2"      shift 2      local WHEN="$@"      # Display help if no parameters or help command      if [[ $COUNT -eq 0 || "$COMMAND" == "help" || "$COMMAND" == "--help" || "$COMMAND" == "-h" ]]; then        echo "COMMAND"        echo "    remind <message> <time>"        echo "    remind <command>"        echo        echo "DESCRIPTION"        echo "    Displays notification at specified time"        echo        echo "EXAMPLES"        echo "    remind "Hi there" now"        echo "    remind "Time to wake up" in 5 minutes"        echo "    remind "Dinner" in 1 hour"        echo "    remind "Take a break" at noon"        echo "    remind "Are you ready?" at 13:00"        echo "    remind list"        echo "    remind clear"        echo "    remind help"        echo        return      fi      # Check presence of AT command      if ! which at >/dev/null; then        echo "remind: AT utility is required but not installed on your system. Install it with your package manager of choice, for example "sudo apt install at"."        return      fi      # Run commands: list, clear      if [[ $COUNT -eq 1 ]]; then        if [[ "$COMMAND" == "list" ]]; then          at -l        elif [[ "$COMMAND" == "clear" ]]; then          at -r $(atq | cut -f1)        else          echo "remind: unknown command $COMMAND. Type "remind" without any parameters to see syntax."        fi        return      fi      # Determine time of notification      if [[ "$OP" == "in" ]]; then        local TIME="now + $WHEN"      elif [[ "$OP" == "at" ]]; then        local TIME="$WHEN"      elif [[ "$OP" == "now" ]]; then        local TIME="now"      else        echo "remind: invalid time operator $OP"        return      fi      # Schedule the notification      echo "notify-send "$MESSAGE" "Reminder" -u critical" | at $TIME 2>/dev/null      echo "Notification scheduled at $TIME"    }


关键词: 应用程序 指定时间 结合起来 长期运行 最重要的是


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